Pins Mechanical Co.
6558 Riverside Dr.
Dublin 43017
Once again Columbus is kicking off Halloween weekend with a pay as you go Pub Crawl Trail.
Get your costumes together and cum join us!
Bundle up.. the plan is to spend most of our time outside on covered patios and on Trail. Also outside circle unless it is raining.
Recommend you park in or near the Mooney Street Parking Garage. (free)
Hares: Cocka Noodle, Can’t Feel It and Patented Package
Muster: whenever
Chalk talk: 6:00
Pack away: 6:15 (not Renegade time)
What to bring:
Money for habbi and bar stops
Hash Cash $7.00
Shiggy: .69
A to A+
21 and over only
Lost or confused?
Cant Feel It cell:
614 766 – PETS (7387)